Past Month.
Easter Service.
Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! On April 9, the atmosphere in the church was overflowing with joyful holiday spirit. Everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, praised the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified for our sins and rose again so that we could have eternal life. Approximately 900 people attended the Easter service, all three streams combined, that’s almost 5 hours of service. The youngest children’s choir, teen choir, senior choir, sisters’ group, main worship group, youth worship group, and many solo performances were given; however, it was impossible for everyone to perform in one day. The celebration continued on April 16, where the main children’s choir performed with a short skit.
If for some reason you were unable to be at the service, or would like to watch again, you can do so at the links below.
Easter services: April 9, 8:30, 10:30, 12:30. April 16, 10:30.
Important Information for Parents!
A special request from all children’s and teens’ ministries. If your child is sick, sneezing or coughing, please do not bring them to church for services or children’s choir practice. We have so many children and they get infected from sick children very quickly. It is not aesthetically correct, goes against common sense, and is not fair to the parents who are doing everything they can to protect their children. Thank you for your understanding.
2 May – Tuesday, 7:00PM – Teen Bible Quiz Celebration Night. Teens who diligently studied the Bible questions and answers will have a quiz and a competition for the prizes. For the highest Bible knowledge they will be awarded cash prizes, medals and certificates for completing the course. Come and support our teens by emphasizing the importance of Bible study.
5-6 May, Friday and Saturday – Ladies Conference. Friday at 6:00 PM and Saturday at 10 AM, lunch and childcare will be provided. All women are invited. If you haven’t registered yet, you can do it here.
19-21 May – Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Sanctification Service: Friday 7:00 PM, Saturday 9:30 AM, and Sunday at 10:30 AM и 12:30 PM services.
3 June – Saturday – Water Baptism. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for details.
Weekly Church Calendar
Sunday – 8:30AM Service in Russian language; 10:30AM Service in Russian language; 12:30PM Service in English language.
Monday – 6:30PM Women’s Prayer; Kids and Teens Choirs Rehearsal.
Tuesday – 6:00AM Men’s Bible Study; 7:00PM Adult Choir Rehearsal; Teens Bible Quiz.
Wednesday – 7:00PM Midweek Prayer Service; Kids Church 4-5 Grade; Teens Bible Study.
Thursday – 10:00AM Women’s Fellowship; 5:50PM Worship Teams Rehearsal; 6:00PM School of Russian Language.
Friday – 10:00AM Morning Prayer; 7:00PM Evenung Prayer; 7:15PM Young Adults Service.
Prayer for Families in MAY
Each week the church is in prayer for the three families, and we pray for them at the Wednesday service. Please join us to bless them together with us.
- Wednesday, May 3
Kozlov Viktor and Nadezhda, Svetlana, Michael
Krishtal Vyacheslav and Lyudmila
Krivoruchko Petr and Elena, Daniel, Andrej, Viktor - Wednesday, May 10
Kulyukin Myhilo and Alena
Kushnir Oleksandr and Mariya
Kuznetsov Aleksej and Svetlana - Wednesday, May 17
Lazarenko Tamara
Lazarevich Valentin
Lebedinskiy Yana - Wednesday, May 24
Levitchi Valentin and Alla
Loboda Aleksandr and Tatyana, Nikita, Kiril
Lozovinskiy Lyubov, Stanislav - Wednesday, May 31
Lutsik Pavel and Inna, Ilona
Makarov Vladimir and Natalya
Marchuk Andrey and Valentina, Emily
• Kids Choir urgently in need of a choir conductor or leader, who is willing to take over new kids choir ages 11-13. If you have a talent, ability and hearts desire to serve, please call Lyubov Lozovinskaya (503) 490-9504.
• Bible Land is in need of teachers for children ages 3-4, if you it on your heart to work with kids of that age, please contact ministry leader Leya Gula (417) 569-2908.
• Teen Bible Academy Registration now open for teens ages 14-17. For Bread of Life Church members and non-members as well. Please hurry up to register, as half of the spots already taken. All additional information is on their website
Birthday’s in MAY
Friends, please take a few minutes of your time and congratulate those who have birthday, they will be very pleased. (Tap on the phone number and hold to make a phone call or send text message)
- 2 May
Gnotovskaya Lyudmila
(360) 909-7432 - 3 May
Pavliuk Lyudmila
(417) 521-7290 - 5 May
Yevtushuk Diana
(951) 455-7702
Matlashevsky Viktor
(417) 860-4501 - 6 May
Rusnak Iurii
(916) 934-6262
Petrovskiy Kirill
(916) 233-6914
Bosovik Karolena
(417) 818-9723 - 7 May
Harbuz Alla
(425) 521-7478 - 8 May
Rusnak Anatoliy
(417) 209-6412
Krishtal Lyudmila
(503) 881-9666 - 9 May
Misyuk Vasiliy
(417) 848-1122 - 12 May
Kigilyuk Solomon
(417) 986-8263
Verbetskiy Zarina
(503) 913-6562
- 15 May
Illyuk Aleksey
(417) 773-2747 - 16 May
Gladkiy Aleksandr
(417) 536-1539 - 17 May
Loboda Aleksandr
(720) 312-3818
Samarskiy Galina
(417) 771-6817 - 19 May
Shabura Julia
(360) 690-5812 - 20 May
Kozyrev Evelyna
(417) 770-3811
Yeremenko Lyudmila
(206) 330-3131 - 21 May
Socolov Angela
(971) 344-4623 - 22 May
Zagoruyko Irina
(503) 516-7569 - 23 May
Prisyazhnyuk Yelena
(303) 408-3738 - 24 May
Prisyazhnyuk Ruslan
(720) 486-7100
Golosinskiy Nikolay
(360) 448-3604
- 26 May
Terzi Aleks
(916) 997-3537
Podnebesnyy Olga
(916) 397-0134
Koren Nadezhda
(360) 719-9276 - 27 May
Shishko Samuel
(417) 250-9365
Rozhko Elena
(417) 827-7994 - 28 May
Golub Elena
(360) 319-8247 - 29 May
Muzichuk Aleхandеr
(417) 493-9634
Prisyazhnyuk Kristina
(406) 214-0073 - 30 May
Fursov Timur
(785) 571-8636
Tsilinskiy Serhii
(417) 755-6571
Chasovski Natalya
(916) 410-3336 - 31 May
Kolotyuk Max
(916) 995-3229
Malyk Daniel
(417) 522-3307
Perju Grigore
(916) 599-7763
Important Information!
If your address or phone number has changed, or you’re not in the birthday list, please update your information via button below. By having your contact info in our database, you’ll be able to receive important notifications and be up to date on church life.
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