Past Month.
New Service. In February we started the third service, which should be called First Russian, or the 8:30 AM Service. We have already had two services and the attendance was a little higher than we expected, about 100 people on average, praise God. The feedback has been mostly good; people like the style of service and the songs. We believe that this was the right step in solving the problem with seating. At the 10:30 AM service, or Second Russian, it was noticeably less crowded with no chairs added, but we can still say that the place was full. If you have not yet been to the 8:30 service, be sure to make time to attend, you will love it. If your children don’t understand Russian well, then you can bring them to the English Service at 12:30 PM, there are always good thematic sermons. The most important thing is that children grow up in the truth of God, and it is worth bringing them to a service where they understand everything.
Couples Night, which was on February 18, was packed, 65 couples had good fellowship and a delicious candlelight dinner. Pastor Alex Muzichuk shared a word and advice for couples, as he have a lot of experience working in this area. If you were not able to be there this time, don’t miss the next event, which will be in the fall.
Men’s Breakfast was a success. Over 100 brothers of different ages had very good fellowship, and our guest speaker, Pastor Andrey Berdyshev, shared a good word for the men. The food was top notch as always, thanks to our kitchen and all the sisters who prepared it.
Ordination Service.
On March 26 our church will have a big celebration service. Six brothers will be ordained to deacon ministry – Vitaliy Shapoval, Vladimir Yevtushuk, Aleksey Illyuk, Vladimir Garbuzov, Pavel Lutsik and Vladimir Gula. This is one of the milestones in the life of the church, we are growing in numbers, and new ministers need to be called to serve in our church. There will be no Morning and English Services, we will all gather together for one big service. More details will be announced soon.
Important Information for Parents!
A special request from all children’s and teens’ ministries. If your child is sick, sneezing or coughing, please do not bring them to church for services or children’s choir practice. We have so many children and they get infected from sick children very quickly. It is not aesthetically correct, goes against common sense, and is not fair to the parents who are doing everything they can to protect their children. Thank you for your understanding.
Church Events in March
5 March – Sunday – Communion Service.
5 March – Sunday – Bake Sale – After each service, prepackaged goodies of sweets, cakes, and sushi will be selling outside of the church building. All proceed will go to fund mission trip to Mexico.
12 March – Sunday, Daylight Savings Time starts. Set your clock one hour ahead.
26 March – Sunday, Ordination Service. We will have only one celebration service.
30 March – Thursday 7:00PM – Leaders Meeting.
1 April – Saturday, 6:00PM – Launch of the Kingdom Couples, ministry for the English speaking couples.
2 April– Sunday – Baby Dedication Service. If you want the church to pray over your baby, please signup online here, and follow onscreen directions.
Weekly Church Calendar
Sunday – 8:30AM Service in Russian language; 10:30AM Service in Russian language; 12:30PM Service in English language.
Monday – 6:30PM Women’s Prayer; Kids and Teens Choirs Rehearsal.
Tuesday – 6:00AM Men’s Bible Study; 7:00PM Adult Choir Rehearsal; Teens Bible Quiz.
Wednesday – 7:00PM Midweek Prayer Service; Kids Church 4-5 Grade; Teens Bible Study.
Thursday – 10:00AM Women’s Fellowship; 5:50PM Worship Teams Rehearsal; 6:00PM School of Russian Language.
Friday – 10:00AM Morning Prayer; 7:00PM Evenung Prayer; 7:15PM Young Adults Service.
Prayer for Families in March
Each week the church is in prayer for the three families, and we pray for them at the Wednesday service. Please join us to bless them together with us.
- Wednesday, March 1
Kamerzan Oleg and Snezhana
Kaminsky Joseph
Karangel Alex and Zhanna - Wednesday, March 8
Kashubin Michael and Kristina
Kashubin Vitaliy and Larisa
Kawubin Viktor and Lidia - Wednesday, March 15
Kashubin Vladimir and Nadezhda
Kolomiza Michael and Tatyana, Vladislav
Kolotyuk Max and Meagan - Wednesday, March 22
Kigilyuk Andrey and Oksana, Sophia
Kigilyuk Solomon and Julia
Kigilyuk Vadeam - Wednesday, March 29
Komonash Sergey and Eudokia, Leah
Koren Anatoliy and Nadezhda, Andrey, Sophia
Kosovan Nikolay and Liliya
• Kids Choir urgently in need of a choir conductor or leader, who is willing to take over new kids choir ages 11-13. If you have a talent, ability and hearts desire to serve, please call Lyubov Lozovinskaya (503) 490-9504.
• Kids Church is planning this summer’s Kids Camp, and they’re in need of volunteers, if you’re interested to help, you can signup here.
• Bible Land is in need of teachers for children ages 3-4, if you it on your heart to work with kids of that age, please contact ministry leader Leya Gula (417) 569-2908.
• Teen Bible Academy Registration now open for teens ages 14-17. For Bread of Life Church members and non-members as well. Please hurry up to register, as half of the spots already taken. All additional information is on their website
Birthday’s in March
Friends, please take a few minutes of your time and congratulate those who have birthday, they will be very pleased. (Tap on the phone number and hold to make a phone call or send text message)
- 1 March
Permyashkin Andre
(412) 737-1285 - 3 March
Davidiuk Roman
(425) 350-4335
Fedchuk Igor
(417) 536-0113 - 4 March
Sekishov Pavel
(417) 840-2638 - 5 March
Kosteniuk Domnika
(503) 750-9583 - 9 March
Kamerzan Snezhana
(425) 516-1096
Stepanov Sergiy
(916) 470-9841
Kachirets Alexander
(864) 567-8289 - 10 March
Mulik Pavel
(417) 496-0367
Pulber Vitaliy
(916) 335-4918
Baronetchi Dorin
(971) 325-4031 - 11 March
Tsitsyura Gennadiy
(916) 698-3234
- 12 March
Illyuk Sara
(417) 429-6448
Samoyednyy Elija
(417) 593-4908 - 13 March
Gederevich Lyubov
(971) 930-9485
Lozovinskiy Stanislav
(503) 812-9112 - 16 March
Zadorin Zoya
(360) 798-6541 - 17 March
Ttsutovich Yuriy
(916) 402-2720 - 18 March
Samoyednyy Anatoliy
(425) 931-3728
Permyashkin Ilona
(417) 413-8688
Berezyuk Svetlana
(206) 747-7282 - 20 March
Loboda Tatyana
(720) 472-0147
Chegarnov Vladimir
(253) 289-9030
Komonash Sergey
(612) 462-5567
- 21 March
Shvets Nadezhda
(406) 407-0262
Dovganyuk Vitaliy
(503) 888-6083
Galushkin Natalya
(417) 524-5725 - 23 March
Malyk Korel
(417) 551-3446 - 24 March
Mulik Olga
(417) 763-9246
Pavliuk Serhii
(360) 718-1528
Tatarinov Mark
(425) 219-2359 - 25 March
Golub Igor
(360) 319-0289
Eremenko Fedor
(206) 330-3131 - 28 March
Kozlov Rubin
(417) 880-3451 - 30 March
Voznyarskiy Anatoliy
(253) 334-7154 - 31 March
Perevertaylo Anna
(916) 956-3055
Important Information!
If your address or phone number has changed, or you’re not in the birthday list, please update your information via button below. By having your contact info in our database, you’ll be able to receive important notifications and be up to date on church life.
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