Bulletin – January 2023

Merry Christmas!
and Happy 2023 Year!

Mykola Illyuk – Senior Pastor

Dear Bread of Life Church, brothers and sisters. I wish you all a Happy New Year, 2023!
The past year is already a history, but we’re looking to the future with hope and trust in God, because God’s immeasurable love was revealed to us in the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. God abundantly blessed our church in the past year, although there were some troubles and difficulties, but the Lord helped us to get through them all.
In these joyful days I wish you happiness, joy, and abundant blessings from the Lord. May the Holy Spirit comfort you and answer all your heartfelt needs and prayers. May God send you and your families health and prosperity. May His protection be over all your ways this year. May the church be prospered by your ministry, may the unity of our church be strengthened in Jesus Christ.
With love – Mykola Ilyuk.

Church Events in January

1-7 JanuaryWeek of Prayer (Sunday 6PM, Monday 6:30PM, Tuesday – Friday 7PM, Saturday 6PM). Find all detailed information here.

8 January, Sunday – Communion Service.

14 January, Saturday, 9AM – Ushers and Red Carpet Ministry Meeting.

15 January, Sunday, 4:00PM – Home Group 4 Meetup.

22 January, Sunday, 9:30AM – Yearly Members only Meeting. (No English Service).

29 January, Sunday – Missions Sunday Service.

Weekly Church Calendar

Sunday 9:30AM Russian Service; 12:30PM English Service.

Monday – 6:30PM Women’s Prayer; Kids Choir Rehearsal.

Tuesday – 6:00AM Men’s Bible Study; 7:00PM Adult Choir Rehearsal; Teens Bible Quiz.

Wednesday – 7:00PM Midweek Prayer Service; Kids Church 4-5 Grade; Teens Bible Study.

Thursday – 10:00AM Women’s Fellowship; 5:50PM Worship Teams Rehearsal; 6:00PM School of Russian Language.

Friday – 10:00AM Morning Prayer; 7:00PM Evenung Prayer; 7:15PM Young Adults Service.

Prayer for Families in January

Every week church prays for three families on Wednesday’s.

  • Wednesday, January 11, 2023
    Gotishan Peter and Inessa
    Graur Vitaliy and Irina, Emma
    Griznev Alyona
  • Wednesday, January 18, 2023
    Grishchuk Aleksandr and Valentina, Bogdan, Vadim
    Gula Vladimir and Leah
    Garbuz Vadim and Alla
  • Wednesday, January 25, 2023
    Hibbard Warren
    Ignatovich Eugene and Kristina
    Illyuk Aleksey and Leah


Bible Land is in need of teachers for children ages 3-4, if you it on your heart to work with kids of that age, please contact ministry leader Leya Gula (417) 569-2908.

Teen Bible Academy is open for registration for teens ages 14-17. Early bird registration is closing January 31st, and will save you $50 per student. Tuition fee could be split in few payments. All additional information is on their website teenbibleacademy.org

Birthday’s in January

  • 1 January
    Fedchuk Valeriya
    Chesnakov Galina
    Pulber Alina
  • 2 January
    Martinov Andrey
  • 3 January
    Martinov Matthew
    Anikeyenko Vita
  • 4 January
    Yeremenko Pavel
  • 5 January
    Prisyazhnyuk Inna
    Galushkin Kate
    Socolov Vasili
  • 6 January
    Kulyukin Michael
    Navizovskiy Andrey
  • 7 January
    Derevencha Oleg
  • 9 January
    Berezyuk Stanislav
  • 10 January
    Paliakou Andrey
    Davidiuk Inta
  • 12 January
    Makarov Vladimir
    Glkadkiy Eugeniya
    Petrashchuk Vitaliy
    Bratkov Lyubov
  • 14 January
    Ovcharenko Valentina
    Levitchi Valentin
    Nikanchuk Vladimir
  • 15 January
    Stepanova Lyudmila
  • 16 January
    Karangel Zhanna
    Ivanov Lyudmila
  • 17 January
    Anikeenko Max
    Terzi Yevgeniy
  • 18 January
    Shvets Michael
    Artushevskaya Nadezhda
  • 20 January
    Filipenko Liana
  • 21 January
    Lebedinskiy Liana
    Rozhko Yaroslav
  • 23 January
    Chernioglo Lyubov
  • 25 January
    Nalivayko Lilly
  • 29 January
    Tsutovich Larisa

Important Information!

If your address or phone number has changed, or you’re not in the birthday list, please update your information via button below. By having your contact info in our database, you’ll be able to receive important notifications and be up to date on church life.

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