Bulletin – February 2023


Past Month.
Perhaps the highlight of the past month was the annual membership meeting, with 286 out of 500 members attending. We all heard the pastors’ reports and their vision for the year, as well as the report of the finance department and the main ministries of the church. Six brothers were approved for ordination to the diaconal ministry to be held on March 26. We’re also elected two candidates for deacon ministry, they are Vitaliy Pulber and Michael Kolomiza.
60 people have responded to the request of the church leadership to serve in a ministry, thank you very much! The leaders of the ministries you would like to serve in, will contact you. We want every member of the church to serve with the gift that the Lord has given to them, if you need help finding a ministry, contact one of the ministers or leader of your home group.
The membership meeting concluded with one more event, Deacon Michael Osenniy officially resigned from the Church Board at his own request. He had been on the Church Board for 14 years, as a good counselor and example to the younger ministers, cheerful and positive. Brother Michael is the leader of the Communion Preparation Ministry, which he will continue to do.

Always happy and positive brother Michael Osenniy is with youth after the members meeting.

Service Change in February.
One of the big events this year is the opening of the third service. The church leadership has long prayed about it, pondered it, planned it, and agreed to open a third Russian-speaking service. The reason for this decision is lack of seating in the main Russian-speaking service and always having to add plastic chairs, which are not very comfortable to sit on during the service, and it also leads to a violation of fire safety, exceeding the number of seats. We believe the decision to open a new stream will solve several problems at once, although temporarily, but we are looking to expand the building in the future. It also presents us with a new challenge to bring new people into the ministries, so that everyone finds themselves involved in the church. Newcomers from other states and churches, when they come to our church for the first time and see an overcrowded church, they know it is going to be uncomfortable. So we want every service to have 10%-20% of seats empty for guests and new people.
So, starting on February 19, the new service will be at 8:30am, the current service will be moved to 10:30am, and the English service will remain the same at 12:30pm. All three services will be an hour and a half, with 30 minute breaks. What will the new service be like? – Time will tell. Perhaps it will be a bit of a traditional style because of the lack of singers and musicians especially. But it will be an encouragement to those who want to serve and opportunity to engage new people in ministry. Volunteers needed in Kids Church, Worship Ministry, Ushers and Media Ministry. If you have not yet committed to a ministry somewhere, you can do so here.

Church Events in FEBRUARY

11 FebruarySaturday, 11:00AM – Ladies Prayer Fellowship ” The Secret and Power of the Prayer”, with leader of women’s prayer and the prayer chain, Nadezhda Osenniy. Find all detailed information here.

12 FebruarySunday – Communion Service. 5:00PM – Home Group 3 Meetup

18 FebruarySaturday, 5:00PM – Couples Night with pastor and councelor Alex Muzichuk. $50 per couple, includes dinner. More detailed information here.

19 FebruarySunday, Service Time Change:
8:30AM First Service (in Russian), 10:30AM Second Service (in Russian), 12:30PM Third Service (in English).

25 FebruarySunday, 9:00AM – Men’s Breakfast with guest speaker Andrey Berdishev. More info here.

26 FebruarySunday – Missions Sunday Service.

Weekly Church Calendar

Sunday 9:30AM Russian Service; 12:30PM English Service.

Monday – 6:30PM Women’s Prayer; Kids Choir Rehearsal.

Tuesday – 6:00AM Men’s Bible Study; 7:00PM Adult Choir Rehearsal; Teens Bible Quiz.

Wednesday – 7:00PM Midweek Prayer Service; Kids Church 4-5 Grade; Teens Bible Study.

Thursday – 10:00AM Women’s Fellowship; 5:50PM Worship Teams Rehearsal; 6:00PM School of Russian Language.

Friday – 10:00AM Morning Prayer; 7:00PM Evenung Prayer; 7:15PM Young Adults Service.

Prayer for Families in FEBRUARY

Each week the church is in prayer for the three families, and we pray for them at the Wednesday service. Please join us to bless them together with us.

  • Wednesday, February 1
    Illyuk Jake and Diana
    Illyuk Mykola and Zoya, Sarah
    Indyushkin Sergey and Nelya
  • Wednesday, February 8
    Ivankin David and Viktoriya
    Ivanov Lyudmila, Phillip, Emiliya
    Ierusalimets Leah
  • Wednesday, February 15
    Jilson Gregory
    Kashirets Alex and Oksana, Diana
    Kalachik Slavik
  • Wednesday, February 22
    Kalachik Tanya
    Karas Tonya
    Karas Jake and Julia


• Don’t forget to signup for the Couples Night “Date Night to Remember” which will be Saturday, February 18. More information and registration here.

Kids Church is planning this summer’s Kids Camp, and they’re in need of volunteers, if you’re interested to help, you can signup here.

Bible Land is in need of teachers for children ages 3-4, if you it on your heart to work with kids of that age, please contact ministry leader Leya Gula (417) 569-2908.

Teen Bible Academy Registration now open for teens ages 14-17. For Bread of Life Church members and non-members as well. Please hurry up to register, as half of the spots already taken. All additional information is on their website teenbibleacademy.org

Birthday’s in FEBRUARY

Friends, please take a few minutes of your time and congratulate those who have birthday, they will be very pleased. (Tap on the phone number and hold to make a phone call or send text message)

  • 1 February
    Lazarenko Tamara
    (417) 988-2500
  • 2 February
    Kigilyuk Sofiya
    (417) 988-3444
  • 3 February
    Kalachik Dmitriy
    (509) 771-3176
  • 4 February
    Yevtushuk Galina
    (951) 965-0416
  • 5 February
    Shvets Ruben
    (417) 848-9038
    Kozlov Svetlana
    (417) 860-3934
    Prokopenko Svetlana
    (417) 370-0567
    Borozdin Vladimir
    (417) 430-5460
  • 6 February
    Indyushkin Nelya
    (417) 450-0946
    Sashkov Maksim
    (417) 837-9082
  • 8 February
    Prokopenko Arthur
    (417) 576-0879
    Sergey Vedernikov
    (417) 849-5252
  • 10 February
    Goloveychuk Nikolay
    (425) 971-8505
  • 13 February
    Illyuk Zoya
    (417) 773-3339
    Shevchenko Olya
    (417) 209-8934
  • 14 February
    Marchuk Elena
    (417) 631-2925
  • 17 February
    Shabura Viktor
    (503) 459-6688
  • 18 February
    Grishchuk Vadim
    (417) 300-3122
    Lutsik Pavel
    (503) 888-7807
  • 19 February
    Shvets Aleksandr
    (417) 848-9593
  • 20 February
    Bosovik Angela
    (417) 818-2567
    Filipenko Denis
    (417) 365-5098
  • 23 February
    Loboda Nikita
    (720) 955-1340
    Makarova Natalya
    (916) 710-4355
  • 24 February
    Kucherenko Svitlana
    (417) 204-2093
  • 25 February
    Vedernikov Liana
    (417) 849-0704
    Artemenko Zinaida
    (417) 861-8599
    Sashkov Ruslan
    (971) 517-8040
    Krivoruchko Viktor
    (417) 379-9425
  • 26 February
    Illyuk Mykola
    (417) 773-4771

Important Information!

If your address or phone number has changed, or you’re not in the birthday list, please update your information via button below. By having your contact info in our database, you’ll be able to receive important notifications and be up to date on church life.

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